Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Winter Wonderland


I know it's been a long while since I've posted anything, but I've seriously been busier than I probably have ever been in my life. Constantly running around, doing school work, going out, taking in London at Christmastime all I can before I leave. Which is tomorrow! So as it's my last day in this wonderful city for 2010, I thought I'd sit here cozy in my bed, watching the snowfall, and catch up on a few things before I start packing. 

The view currently outside my window....

 So as you may have guessed, London is an amazing place to be at Christmas time. Well, it's amazing anytime but it's especially magical at this time of year. As cheesy as it sounds, it's true.

So this post will just be about my adventures around the city during the season. Cause I love it.

One of the main attractions during Christmas here is something called Winter Wonderland and it's in Hyde Park. Basically THE ideal Christmas place. 

The entrance...

Stall after stall of Christmas goodies, crafts, sausages, cheese and onion pies, cider... 

A massive section of the park is turned into a fantastic array of lights, stalls, hot chocolate, mulled wine, Christmas music, rides, food, and an ice skating rink.

The whole thing is just wonderful, and you can't help but get excited about Christmas while you're there.

The fun house - only four freakin pounds! (About $6)

See the moon??

As to be expected, I've also been doing a lot of Christmas shopping. Part of this included going to Spitafield's Market, which I've talked about here before. It's a wonderful place, and I knew it would be amazing at Christmas as well.

My friend and I walked in with this swing band playing Christmas music as swing dancers did their thing in front of them. So, so cool. Made me want to go join them.

Also while walking around the area, we happened upon this window. Which is seriously one of the coolest things I've seen in a long while.

The area you see is a cardboard model of the one we were in, called Brick Lane. And those little pieces of paper? Well, those fell every time anyone around the world tweeted a message about snow. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!!

This also included a trip to Selfridges, of course. Where models periodically went up and down the long corridor of escalators. Just cause that's how they do it here.

Another one of my favourite places in London is Covent Garden, and during Christmas it's even more lovely. These were taken just last night, quite late. So it was nice to see the usually packed place so quiet. Gave me time to really appreciate it.

Me and my friends Charlie and Emily. We're the last three out of our group of friends to still be here. But we embraced it and had an amazing evening. Please note my huge furry hat. It is amazing and warm. So yeah.
Completely fogged up bus windows - a sight that has become all too familiar to me over the past month or so.

Not very Christmasy, but sitting bundled up along the Thames as the London Eye sparkles and Big Ben's bell rings in the distance.... Pretty much nothing can beat that for me.

And finally was in the area of the Natural History Museum and the most popular ice skating rink in London. So nice.

And then I woke up this morning to this!!

So, these past four months in London have been incredible. The city is so vast, so intricate, so cultured, so layered. I still can't believe I've had this opportunity, and I have absolutely no regrets. I can't wait to see what next term brings.

And I'm satisfied to say I have had a White Christmas, even if my actual Christmas will probably be sunny and warm. But that's okay. I honestly (no matter how surprising this may be) wouldn't rather be anywhere else.

See you all soon!! :)

xx Liam


  1. It's all so beautiful! And my favorite part was the Twitter feed snow. All the decorations are stunning.

  2. And!! The swing band!!! That's enough for me.

    Er, cute hat.

    (How dare you take pictures of those nasty ladies, completely inappropriate sir...)

  3. LOVED this post, of course! So awesome to see your photos and everything that's been going on - I'm so happy you take your camera with you! The Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park... are you even KIDDING me??? That would be like Disneyland to me! Oh how I would love to go there! I'm glad you went and enjoyed it for the both of us! :)

