SO. Where were we?
The last post I did here (save the small one before this) was me being completely excited about going home for Christmas. Little did I know that I would have a lonnnggg journey ahead of me.
The massive snowstorm that came across Europe trapped me in London for an extra four days. Four days of waiting and waiting, cancellations, delays, re routes, trains, planes, and automobiles.
I ended up having to take the train to Paris to have any chance of getting out of Europe by Christmas.
The good thing was that I got to explore Paris during Christmastime, which was absolutely stunning.
So below is just a little photo diary of my journey home, to get an idea of what that was like. It was stressful and tiring, but beautiful.
Had to get at the train station at 3 in the morning in the freezing cold to attempt to get on a train. Thankfully I was on the first train out at 6 in the morning. |
Joyeaux Noel |
The rat shop that can be seen in Ratatouille. |
One of my all time favourite book stores, Shakespeare and Company. Took a little nap here as I was completely and utterly exhausted, and inside it was warm and quiet. It was wonderful. |
So FINALLY, after a taxi, a train, two planes, and four days, I got home safely. Just in time to have my Ugly Christmas Sweater party and see all these beautiful faces for the first time in four months.
To my delight my best friend's band played for everyone at my party. More on them and my collaboration with them in another post. |
This is Christmas. |
Christmas dinner. Prime Rib, garlic mushrooms, roasted vegetables and potatoes. Absolutely amazing. |
Back to BLUE SKY. |
The rain had left the area around where I live greener than usual, a wonderful surprise. |
Had time to return to my home away from home, Disneyland. :) |
That's happiness right there. Val, Natalie, me and Davy. |
New Years, which involved watching silent films and throwing glitter in the streets at midnight. And following a Spanish tradition of eating a grape every second for the last 12 seconds of the year. |
And then... a miracle happened. SNOW. IN VALENCIA.
It had followed me from London. I hadn't seen snowfall in 12 years before London, and here it was following me everywhere I went.
It was wonderful though, a really nice moment that I was so happy I could be a part of while I was home.
My street in a light dusting of snow. |
A Roscoe's feast with all my friends, of course. |
And that was my trip home! It was extremely busy, but wonderful. And strange to think that it was four months ago now, and I'm now planning on my return in a month's time. Although going back did bring back some memories of why I left in the first place, it was still incredible to see everyone and to have that feeling of home for Christmas. But when it was time for me to return to London, I was more than ready and excited to see what the term ahead brought me.
-Liam x
This post made me cry. It was perfect. Just beautiful :)